is entirely legal. The GPL governs the release of all themes and plugins (General Public License).

They are available for use on as many websites and at your discretion.

Does provide licence keys?

We never give out, rent out, release, or sell licence keys. The GNU General Public License governs all of the items sold on this website (GPL). No matter how many products are required, you do not require licencing keys to utilise your projects.
Only if you want to get automatic updates and assistance from the creator of a plugin or theme are licence keys necessary.

Are the downloads and files legal?

Yes, every theme, plugin, add-on, and WooCommerce extension offered by our repository is GNU GPL compliant and 100% open-source.

Are these products genuine ?

Yes, every one of our goods is 100 percent genuine. We have a subscription with the author of a product if we highlight it on our website (s). We obtain the merchandise from them and provide it to you again. These files are not in any way modified.

Are these files your creations?

The following third-party developers are not connected to in any way: WordPress, WooCommerce, WooThemes, Elegant Themes, Rocketgenius Inc., GravityForms, iThemes, OnTheGoSystems, AppThemes, etc.

How many websites am I able to use the theme or plugin on

Any number you choose. No, really, there are no catchy things. Since the plugins and themes are GPL-licensed, you are free to use them as frequently and on as many websites as you choose. Do you know someone who is creating a website? Give them access to our plugins and themes as well.